Format (introduced beginning with the 2009-2010 series)
There is a sign-up process for the UTS. The online registration
must be completed before earning points in any of the series races.
See the "UTS" page for details.
Only registered UTS participants will be factored into series points scoring.
Points will be calculated according to age groups in addition to overall.
There is a new class of award--"High Mileage Club" designation, for participants
who earn over a certain level of miles in series events:
Award level will be approximately 60% of total series miles possible
(will be determined when events are finalized).
Volunteers for an event (as submitted by RD) can earn miles. You can volunteer in any AURA race,
even if it's not your UTS series, and still earn miles. For example, Traveller 100 volunteers can
earn miles for UTS-Lite.
Please enter your volunteer hours and trail work into the Google Form to receive credit.
Email questions to Laura Babbitt
If you sign up mid-series, miles (but NOT points) will be counted for earlier races if
you let the coordinator know which races you completed.
No partial miles will be awarded for DNFs.
You must run the distance for the series in which you registered. If you are in the LITE series and want more miles, I suggest that you complete the required distance then go out for more miles after you cross the finish line.
Traditional rules and scoring information:
Age groups are determined by your age at the time of the first UTS run of the season.
Every effort will be made to determine your correct age.
To be eligible for the King and Queen awards, you must complete four (4) races.
Beginning with the 2022-2023 UTS season, we will no longer have a "throwaway" race. If you finish all
runs, they all count.
In a race that features more than one ultra distance, any of the races can be
used in the UTS. Example: The Ouachita Trail 50 Mile and 50K.
Runners who opt to start early at a UTS run will be penalized.
(Early starters will be placed after the final regular start-time finisher.)
Runners who start late will not be penalized.
However, placement for points purposes will be based on actual finish order -- not
adjusted for what your theoretical place would have been if you had started on
Boyz compete against Boyz; Girlz compete against Girlz.
The top ten finishers are awarded points as follows: 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 7, 5, and 3.
All other finishers receive one (1) point. (See scoring addendum #2);
Bonus points awarded are determined by the number of finishers. (See scoring addendum #1)
Scoring Addendum #3 added to handle a multiple-event time-based race.
In case of ties, points are equally shared.
UTS age groups for Kings and Queens of the Trail are as follows:
Open (everybody), Master (40+), Grand Master (50+), (Senior (60+) and Super-Senior (70+)
Scoring Example
Scoring Rules Addendums
Addendum #1 (Implemented 2005)
For the Ouachita Trail 50, bonus points for the
50Km event will not exceed those for the 50-miler. More specifically: if
there are more 50Km finishers than 50 mile finishers in a division (i.e., men or
women), all bonus points awarded to 50 mile finishers will be incremented by the
difference in the number of finishers in that division.
Addendum #2 (Implemented 2008)
For 100-mile events, top finisher points will be awarded as follows: 100, 85, 72, 60, 50, 42, 35, 30, 25,
20, 16, 12, 9, 6, 3.
Addendum #3 (Implemented 2012)
Special scoring model developed for a 6/12/24 Hour run.
Performance Standards
Male |
Female |
Points |
6 Hour |
38.5 |
35 |
50 |
12 Hour |
66 |
60 |
70 |
24 Hour |
110 |
100 |
90 |
Points will be awarded proportionally according to the event performance standard; no maximum; no bonus points.
Grading coefficients applied to Age Groups: Master 1.05, GrandMaster 1.15, Senior 1.3, SuperSenior 1.5
6-12-24hr. Example
For questions on the Ultra Trail Series not covered here, contact
6-12-24hr. EXAMPLE