UTS Trail Work
More details coming soon. But basically...
You have a year in which to do 8 hours of trail work (4 hours for UTS-Lite).
You can work on any trail, even if it's not used in a race.
You can work on your own. It does not have to be part of an organised group.
Please enter your trail work into the
Google Form to receive credit.
There are lots of opportunities to get in your Trail Work hours. Podog will be overseeing course cleanup for Traveller. ABF gets cleaned up in late Oct or early Nov. OT gets cleaned up in late Feb and early March. Steve McBee & Michael Hall could likely use help preparing for Styx. Really, you can check with any of our race directors and they would likely welcome the help. Friends of the Ouachita Trail and Central Arkansas Trail Alliance often host trail work days where work days are often opportunities to also learn.