AURA History for Joshua Scherrey

Arkansas Traveller 100
2023  Joshua Scherrey AR M 50 23:54:53  (100M)
2021  Josh Scherrey AR M 48 28:56:20  (100M)
2018  Joshua Scherrey M 45 AR 27:25:37  (100M)
2015  57 Joshua Scherrey M 42 AR 26:05:12  (100M)
2010  63 Joshua Scherrey M 37 AR 29:18:17  (100M)

Lake Ouachita Vista Trail (LOViT) Run
2019  Joshua Scherrey Fort Smith M 46 5:13:15  (26M)

Lake Ouachita Vista Trail 100K/100M
2016  11 Joshua Scherrey Ft. Smith 42 M 14:17:47  (100K)

Mt. Magazine Trail Run
2023  Josh Scherrey Greenwood M 50 3:07:51  (18M)
2018  Joshua Scherrey Fort Smith M 45 3:13  (18M)

Midnight / Full mOOn 50K/25K
2014  25 Joshua Scherrey 41 AR 6:18:05  (50K)

Mount Nebo Trails Run
2021  Josh Scherrey Greenwood M 48 2:18:54  (15M)

Ouachita Trail 50K/50M
2018  Joshua Scherrey AR 45 M 6:08:14  (50K)
2017  20 Joshua Scherrey M 44 AR 6:25:09  (50K)
2016  17 Joshua Scherrey M 43 AR 6:23:06  (50K)
2015  13 Joshua Scherrey M 42 AR 11:07:02  (50M)
2014  19 Josh Scherrey M 41 AR 11:30:49  (50M)

Scorchin' Squirrel Trail Run
2023  Joshua Scherrey 3:46:20  (20M)

Styx & Stones Trail Races
2023  Joshua Scherrey Greenwood 50 M 2:30:45  (13M)
2018  Joshua Scherrey Fort Smith M 45  (30K)
2017  Joshua Scherrey Fort Smith M 44 3:05  (30K)
2015  12 Joshua Scherrey Fort Smith M 41 2:35  (15M)

War Eagle Tail Twister Trail Races
2015  Joshua Scherrey Fort Smith 42 M 6:20:19  (50K)

White Rock Classic 50K
2019  Joshua Scherrey Fort Smith M 45 6:15  (50K)
2018  Joshua Scherrey Fort Smith M 44 6:50:13  (50K)

This page is automatically generated by searching every race results file in the AURA website and pulling out every line with your name on it. It wouldn't be a challenge if your name was always spelled the same way! Please let me know if I missed you somewhere or if you changed names in the past.
email George Peterka