2022-2023 Ultra Trail Series Lite - Standings
Final Standings
Kings and Queens of the Trail
Overall/Open: Henry Turner and Kelsey Walker
Master: Rusty Bryan and Julie Ingle
Grand Master: Dale Powell and Lori Talley
Senior: John Fowlkes and Dottie Rea
Open - Master - GrandMaster - Senior - SuperSenior
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Open Division
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 Kelsey Walker 53 60 53 39.14 54 52 43 55 43 452.14
2 Lauren Shoup 42 49 37.71 43 54 44 50 319.71
3 Julie Ingle 10 36.5 89.86 37 26 52 33 26 310.36
4 Shannon Wiley 32 48 41 27 53 50 251
5 Lori Talley 36.5 9 32 32 41 150.5
6 Dottie Rea 29 6 21 31 87
7 Lisa Gunnoe 31 4 50 85
8 Shannon Lausch 25 43 68
9 Debbie Rigsby 33.29 32 65.29
10 Brandy Risner 59 59
11 Mandy Ferguson 54 54
12 Carol Graves 54 54
13 Siri Briggler 19 32 51
14 Bea Mickelson 42 42
15 C. Meroney 13 26 39
16 Amanda Alls 38 38
17 Tamara Lowery 31 31
18 Susan Adkison 26 26
19 Charity Shaw 20 20
20 Stephanie Birk 14 14
21 Billie Watts 7 7
Tisha Deen
Susan Garrett
Wendy Johnson
Lacey Kelley
Thaveep Leach
Erin Lytle
Mary Sheridan
Emily Wilson
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 Henry Turner 47 56 36 54 53 54 55 53 55 50 513
2 Rusty Bryan 24 30 22.47 45 24 43 43 44 44 42 50 411.47
3 Dale Powell 32 12 15 15.84 22 30 32 33 33 33 50 307.84
4 John Fowlkes 8 8 22.47 16 8 26 31 26 27 27 31 27 50 307.47
5 Steve George 18 36 34 42 44 50 224
6 Jake Anderson 58 55 50 163
7 James Moy 54 36 58 148
8 David Neal 43 30 47 120
9 Stuart Creamer 47 50 97
10 David Meroney 26 24 12 32 94
11 Tom Avery 17.14 21 21 21 80.14
12 Jesse Rucker 15 28 18 61
13 Adam Xaysuda 58 58
Steve Adkison
Matthew Britton
Steve Griffin
Wade James
Bob Johnson
Evan King
Wesley Leach
John Sheridan
Brian Sites
Ian Thomas
Scott Ward
Master (Age 40+) Division
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 Julie Ingle 23 46.5 94.35 35 31 52 53 41 375.85
2 Shannon Wiley 57 46 51 42 53 50 299
3 Lori Talley 46.5 17 52 42 41 198.5
4 Lisa Gunnoe 51 11 50 112
5 Dottie Rea 30.45 11 31 31 103.45
6 Debbie Rigsby 34.95 52 86.95
7 C. Meroney 23 41 64
8 Brandy Risner 57 57
9 Mandy Ferguson 53 53
10 Carol Graves 52 52
11 Bea Mickelson 42 42
12 Susan Adkison 41 41
13 Charity Shaw 35 35
14 Stephanie Birk 29 29
15 Tamara Lowery 29 29
16 Billie Watts 17 17
Tisha Deen
Susan Garrett
Wendy Johnson
Lacey Kelley
Thaveep Leach
Erin Lytle
Mary Sheridan
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 Henry Turner 57 56 46 54 53 54 55 53 55 50 533
2 Rusty Bryan 29 30 23.59 45 29 43 43 44 44 42 50 422.59
3 Dale Powell 32 17 15 16.64 22 35 32 33 33 33 50 318.64
4 John Fowlkes 11 8 23.59 16 11 26 31 26 27 27 31 27 50 314.59
5 Steve George 23 36 34 42 44 50 229
6 Jake Anderson 57 55 50 162
7 James Moy 54 46 58 158
8 David Neal 43 35 47 125
9 David Meroney 26 24 17 32 99
10 Tom Avery 18 21 21 21 81
11 Jesse Rucker 15 28 23 66
Steve Adkison
Steve Griffin
Bob Johnson
Wesley Leach
John Sheridan
Brian Sites
Scott Ward
Grand-Master (Age 50+) Division
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 Lori Talley 51 32 52 51 51 237
2 Dottie Rea 33.35 26 51 41 151.35
3 Lisa Gunnoe 51 31 50 132
4 Debbie Rigsby 38.28 52 90.28
5 C. Meroney 43 41 84
6 Tamara Lowery 54 54
7 Bea Mickelson 52 52
8 Carol Graves 51 51
9 Stephanie Birk 42 42
10 Susan Adkison 41 41
Susan Garrett
Thaveep Leach
Mary Sheridan
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 Henry Turner 55 55 55 53 53 53 54 52 55 50 535
2 Dale Powell 42 27 25 18.22 27 44 42 43 53 33 50 404.22
3 John Fowlkes 21 16 25.84 21 21 31 31 31 32 42 41 27 50 389.84
4 Steve George 33 45 44 42 44 50 258
5 James Moy 53 44 56 153
6 David Meroney 31 34 27 42 134
7 Tom Avery 19.71 26 31 21 97.71
8 Jesse Rucker 25 33 33 91
Steve Adkison
Steve Griffin
Bob Johnson
Wesley Leach
John Sheridan
Brian Sites
Senior (Age 60+) Division
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 Dottie Rea 37.7 51 51 41 180.7
2 Debbie Rigsby 43.27 51 94.27
3 Bea Mickelson 52 52
Susan Garrett
Thaveep Leach
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 John Fowlkes 41 31 29.21 31 31 51 51 41 42 42 51 42 50 533.21
2 Dale Powell 51 52 47.5 20.6 42 53 52 53 53 53 50 527.1
3 Jesse Rucker 47.5 53 42 142.5
4 Tom Avery 22.29 31 31 31 115.29
Steve Adkison
Steve Griffin
Wesley Leach
John Sheridan
Super-Senior (Age 70+) Division
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 Dottie Rea 43.5 51 51 51 196.5
Rank Name 15M SS 14M NEB 17M HSNP 6hr SUN 14M LOV 17M ABF 25K DAV 25K WR 20K SYL 13M S&S 13M RCM 50K OT 12M MAG WRK TRL Total
1 John Fowlkes 41 31 33.7 31 31 51 51 41 41 41 51 41 50 534.7
2 Dale Powell 51 52 47.5 23.77 42 53 52 52 52 52 50 527.27
3 Jesse Rucker 47.5 53 42 142.5
If you suspect errors in these standings, please reference the UTS Rules and individual race results . If you still think there is an error, contact George .