Runner's Choice Marathon

or Half-Marathon if doing UTS-Lite


Some time back, I read a book on ultrarunning that said an ultrarunner should run a marathon once a year to try to run 26 road miles without any walking. Ultrarunners and trail runners get used to taking frequent walking breaks and become soft. In this spirit, we added a marathon as a UTS event.

Here's the fun part. You can choose any marathon (anywhere in the world) and it will count for UTS.

  1. It has to be an official 26.2 mile marathon race with a website, registration and results posted online.
  2. You have to email George your results and a link to the race website for verification, no later than April 15th 2024.
  3. You have to run the race in the 12 months preceding April 15th 2025.
  4. There will be no allowance for course difficulty. All marathons will be treated as equal.
  5. If you run more than one marathon, send in your fastest time.
  6. We will assemble all the times together as if it was one race and award UTS points and 26.2 UTS miles.
  7. Miles cannot be earned for volunteering.
  8. Virtual marathons are not allowed.

Q: What is an official race?
A: It cannot be something that you just did by yourself. It cannot be any other UTS race or part thereof. You cannot drop from a longer race past mile 26.2 and ask for marathon credit.

Q: Which races in Arkansas can I use?
A: Little Rock Marathon, 3 Bridges Marathon, Arkansas Marathon, Ft. Smith Marathon, Hogeye Marathon,
Riverboat Series Day 2, Mid-South Championship Marathon, Mississipi River Marathon, White River Marathon

Q: How are the points awarded?
A: Participants will email me their name and time. I will assemble this together as though it was one single race. The fastest time will be the winner and so on. UTS points will be awarded according to the normal UTS rules. Let's say for example that "Jack" runs Boston Marathon in 3:43 and "John" runs Little Rock Marathon in 3:45. So Jack beat John by 2 minutes in the "Runner's Choice Marathon". It doesn't matter that those were actually two different races. Jack's time is 2 minutes faster than John's and that is all we look at. If one race is harder than the other we will NOT take that into consideration.

Q: May I run a trail marathon?
A: Yes you certainly can. Most people run faster on roads so they choose a road marathon. You want to choose the easiest, fastest course in the best weather so you get the fastest time.

Q: May I run more than one marathon?
A: Yes, but only one will be counted.

If you're confused, see   2017 Results   2018 Results   2019 Results   2020 Results   2021 Results  
2022 Results   2023 Results   2024 Results   2025 Results